I have been really really really bad at this whole blog thing.. Last time I wrote was when I just got back from Mississippi. That was before the holiday maddess and somehow we are now in JUNE of 2011... well A few things have changed.. Stacey has now been gone for almost 9 whole months.. OMW!!!! when did that happen???? I feel like it has gone really fast yet horrible slow.. Does that make sense??? We are coming to the tail end of it and I couldn't be more excited!!!!!!! I am ready for him to be home and everything to get back to "normal" soon... Okay so this is a recap of the last 7 months.
Noah loved his year in Kindergarten!!He is beginning to read yet having lots of trouble, but we are trying so hard.. He loves science and doing experiments. And he of course loved recess.. He is really excited to be finished with school for the year and he loves to sleep in! Hooray for summer!!!!! although he is really excited to start 1st grade!! :) He will be 6 here in a few weeks and he is so ready to be 6!!
Stacey came home for R&R in February. We had a blast!!! We didn't do anything besides relaxing and enjoying our two weeks... It was so hard to say goodbye again.. (I really didn't think it would be ya know.. But it was hard to have him back and then rushed away) He is doing really well! Its getting really hot there in Iraq and I am surprised he hasn't complained about it. (you know I would) But he is doing a great job and I am so proud of him!!! :)
Well thanks to R&R Stacey and I are expecting a baby in Nov 2011.. OMW!!!! I am really excited!!! and Stacey believes its a girl for sure.. and I pray he isn't broken hearted. Well we will see if he is right 2 weeks... I will be 20 weeks by then. I don't care what the gender the baby is just as long as its happy and healthy!!!
I am excited for the summer! Noah and I are planning BIG THINGS! well not necessarily big things but we want to have fun.. Noah is playing tball and swim lessons.. He is so big!!! I love every moment of being with my little man and I will cherish it bc soon enough there will be another brother or sister that we will have with us!! SO EXCITED! That's it for a while everyone. I hope to report more soon!!!
Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you. I can't believe Noah is 6...crazy. Anyway, thanks for the update because I love keeping up.