EMMA IS HERE!!!! :) On November 10, 2011 she was born in this world! What a crazy labor and delivery we had. Here is here birth story. I had a doctor's appt on 11/7 where she checked me to see if I would be okay to induce on that thursday. Well... I was still only dialated to a one and Emma's head was still so far up. (looks like she didn't want to come out anytime soon) but being so swollen she gave me the great news that we will plan on thursday anyway. (When I heard those words I have to admit I FREAKED) I was so ready to have her out, but actually having her out was really overwhelming and I felt so unprepared and so nervous. But, she was coming no matter what.. The next few days were a blur. But I got instructions to call on thursday @ 5:30 am to the hospital so we could see if there was a room for me to be induced. Well there wasn't until about 11am so that is when I was going in! (let me tell you Stacey and I didn't sleep at all that night we were so nervous and excited I swear one of us was waking up every hour on the hour) Well... They got me in my room for labor and delivery. I had a great nurse and a few student nurses that were there as well. She checked me and I was dilated to a 2 and completly soften! YAY! I could have gone into labor maybe by myself. :) She got us all hooked up to the monitors and to my suprise I was actually having contractions every 2 ish minutes.. I have never felt contractions before so it was kinda nice. So there I was about noonish hooked up to meds and having contractions! I was going to have a baby and I was for sure thinking it was going to be the longest day of my life. Well when I was to a 3 the nurse suggested that I have my water broken and then get my epidural. Well I let me say I really hated getting my water broken its so gross and you feel so gross.. But, that is what happened... (this is where it gets gross) I was so full of fluid I had tons of water leaking from me! ewwwww... And when I got my epidural every contraction tons more water exploded from me.... The nurse was joking with me that if the baby turns out to be a boy that I should name him Noah, bc she hasn't seen this much water for a long time! (too bad Noah is already taken). Well it took the doctor 2 times to get my epidural in and WOW it was painful! (I don't remember that with Noah at all. But It stopped the little pain I was having so I was good to go. I was happy bc I was going to take a nap and get ready for the delivery part. Well that didn't go as planned. She checked me an hour or so later and I was at a 4.5. But all of a sudden I could feel the contractions again. WTH! So the nurse gave me some more meds in my spinal.. well.. that didn't work.. I was about a 7 ish before the doctor came back in and shot some more powerful stuff in my and I was more relaxed... I was about a 9 when I could feel it all again.. OMW! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!! Then right before I started pushing they gave me more powerful drugs... (Thank goodness) I could feel tons of pressure and it wasn't as painful. Emma finally arrived at 8:13 pm and she was purple. (The doctor didn't tell me but her heartrate drastically was low and was worried) good thing I didn't know that... She was beautiful and I was so excited to have her out and not to be pregnant anymore. Emma was 7lb 2oz and 19 3/4 inch with tons of dark hair! (I swore she would be blonde or bald.) I love being a mom again. Noah loves his little sister! And Stacey is a proud daddy! She is growing bigger and bigger everyday and I can't believe that she is, today, 3weeks old. :)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Emma Grace Stoddard 11/10/11
EMMA IS HERE!!!! :) On November 10, 2011 she was born in this world! What a crazy labor and delivery we had. Here is here birth story. I had a doctor's appt on 11/7 where she checked me to see if I would be okay to induce on that thursday. Well... I was still only dialated to a one and Emma's head was still so far up. (looks like she didn't want to come out anytime soon) but being so swollen she gave me the great news that we will plan on thursday anyway. (When I heard those words I have to admit I FREAKED) I was so ready to have her out, but actually having her out was really overwhelming and I felt so unprepared and so nervous. But, she was coming no matter what.. The next few days were a blur. But I got instructions to call on thursday @ 5:30 am to the hospital so we could see if there was a room for me to be induced. Well there wasn't until about 11am so that is when I was going in! (let me tell you Stacey and I didn't sleep at all that night we were so nervous and excited I swear one of us was waking up every hour on the hour) Well... They got me in my room for labor and delivery. I had a great nurse and a few student nurses that were there as well. She checked me and I was dilated to a 2 and completly soften! YAY! I could have gone into labor maybe by myself. :) She got us all hooked up to the monitors and to my suprise I was actually having contractions every 2 ish minutes.. I have never felt contractions before so it was kinda nice. So there I was about noonish hooked up to meds and having contractions! I was going to have a baby and I was for sure thinking it was going to be the longest day of my life. Well when I was to a 3 the nurse suggested that I have my water broken and then get my epidural. Well I let me say I really hated getting my water broken its so gross and you feel so gross.. But, that is what happened... (this is where it gets gross) I was so full of fluid I had tons of water leaking from me! ewwwww... And when I got my epidural every contraction tons more water exploded from me.... The nurse was joking with me that if the baby turns out to be a boy that I should name him Noah, bc she hasn't seen this much water for a long time! (too bad Noah is already taken). Well it took the doctor 2 times to get my epidural in and WOW it was painful! (I don't remember that with Noah at all. But It stopped the little pain I was having so I was good to go. I was happy bc I was going to take a nap and get ready for the delivery part. Well that didn't go as planned. She checked me an hour or so later and I was at a 4.5. But all of a sudden I could feel the contractions again. WTH! So the nurse gave me some more meds in my spinal.. well.. that didn't work.. I was about a 7 ish before the doctor came back in and shot some more powerful stuff in my and I was more relaxed... I was about a 9 when I could feel it all again.. OMW! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!! Then right before I started pushing they gave me more powerful drugs... (Thank goodness) I could feel tons of pressure and it wasn't as painful. Emma finally arrived at 8:13 pm and she was purple. (The doctor didn't tell me but her heartrate drastically was low and was worried) good thing I didn't know that... She was beautiful and I was so excited to have her out and not to be pregnant anymore. Emma was 7lb 2oz and 19 3/4 inch with tons of dark hair! (I swore she would be blonde or bald.) I love being a mom again. Noah loves his little sister! And Stacey is a proud daddy! She is growing bigger and bigger everyday and I can't believe that she is, today, 3weeks old. :)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Baby Emma and the last weeks
I have to say that I have had a pretty good pregnancy so far! Sure, I was sick in the first part but I have almost forgotten that part. It hasn't been easy being pregnant while my husband has been away but it probably wouldn't have been easy if he was home. lol... I have noticed this last month of so that its been more crazy then the 9 months before!!! I think I finally have lost my mind completely.. I can't remember anything anymore! (I hope my mind comes back after the baby! I have really really missed it) I have been more emotional like crying over no reason. I am talking about CRYING. I have no idea why and how it comes on, it just does! Its funny really to witness myself in one of my crying moods because I am not sure what is going on! And I have been a little more witchy to everybody! MY WORD! I am so ready to get back to normal self I can't tell you.. I don't like my emotions on my sleeve so much! But, It is worth it in the end when I get a new beautiful baby to have in my life!!!!
I go into the doctor today to see if I can have this baby by Thursday. I have retained so much water and am really swollen that the doctor is concerned. So if my cervix is soften enough then its a go.. If not, I guess we will wait!! I am so excited to see her!!!!!!! So time will tell us when she will come into this world.. I am so nervous and excited and sooooooo many other emotions! I can't believe that I am actually talking about the delivery! Its been a wild ride but it comes to an end eventually! :)
I go into the doctor today to see if I can have this baby by Thursday. I have retained so much water and am really swollen that the doctor is concerned. So if my cervix is soften enough then its a go.. If not, I guess we will wait!! I am so excited to see her!!!!!!! So time will tell us when she will come into this world.. I am so nervous and excited and sooooooo many other emotions! I can't believe that I am actually talking about the delivery! Its been a wild ride but it comes to an end eventually! :)
This is Halloween This is Halloween!
Well being almost 39 weeks pregnant on a great holiday like Halloween isn't the most fun thing I can think of... I feel bad for Noah mostly.. (I am so not fun right now!!!) I decided to go to the Walmart trunk or treat on Saturday but the line was so HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! My feet were swollen and there was no way I wanted to wait in line (I heard from people 2 hours! YIKES) I felt bad telling him that we should go. He was so pumped up to get candy... But he agreed after we had been standing in line hardly moving for a half an hour. So we went out to dinner instead :). Well When Halloween actually came, Noah was so ready and so excited. This year he wanted to dress up as the Black Spiderman. He was so excited to wear the costume at school and have a party and a parade! He had a great day for sure! Then we decided to go old school and go trick or treating! I love to see him running and being so excited! He got tons of candy! And yes I was so swollen it was awful, but He enjoyed it!!!! I really am glad though I got to see another holiday through a child's eyes. I wish we all could be kids again and be so excited for small things. I love how enjoyable one day is to them and how excited they are for the next year. I hope Noah never ever looses that excitement!
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Time Has Come and all Things Must Come to an END
WOW! That is all I can think of. My husband decided to be sneaky and tricked me into thinking that he wasn't coming home until the end of the month but he ended up trying to surprise me! He comes home this weekend!!!!!!!! Let me tell you I AM SO NERVOUS! Every minute it become more and more true that he is actually going to be here in the flesh in a matter of hours. WHAT? Am I ready for this? Well I better be because no matter what he is on his way!!!!!
This year has been an roller coaster of emotions! But I MADE IT THROUGH one of the hardest years I hope to ever see!!!!!!! I know I wasn't in a war zone or fighting bad guys but I do believe that being left at home is a very hard job! There were days that I didn't think I would make it through or holidays I didn't think I could stand another minute!!!! But I did it!
Being an Army wife for a year has taught me alot about life, people, and myself. Life is too short! Enjoy every moment of every day. Surround yourself with good positive people. It makes your day much happier and easier to live through. There are hard days and there are good days. Push past the hard days and keep on hauling for the good days!!!
There have been many army wives before me and many after me. I don't know how these women did this all without technology. It was so nice to email, skype, and IM all I needed too. But, I couldn't help but wonder the wives in WW1, WW2, Vietnam, and Korea must of felt not knowing anything for many many months or not at all. Even during this war, the internet wasn't always available to many soldiers.. I am thankful for technology and being able to see my husband's face everyother week helped the time go a lot faster!!!!! It has been a crazy year, but I am glad I did it and even more glad it's over!
This year has been an roller coaster of emotions! But I MADE IT THROUGH one of the hardest years I hope to ever see!!!!!!! I know I wasn't in a war zone or fighting bad guys but I do believe that being left at home is a very hard job! There were days that I didn't think I would make it through or holidays I didn't think I could stand another minute!!!! But I did it!
Being an Army wife for a year has taught me alot about life, people, and myself. Life is too short! Enjoy every moment of every day. Surround yourself with good positive people. It makes your day much happier and easier to live through. There are hard days and there are good days. Push past the hard days and keep on hauling for the good days!!!
There have been many army wives before me and many after me. I don't know how these women did this all without technology. It was so nice to email, skype, and IM all I needed too. But, I couldn't help but wonder the wives in WW1, WW2, Vietnam, and Korea must of felt not knowing anything for many many months or not at all. Even during this war, the internet wasn't always available to many soldiers.. I am thankful for technology and being able to see my husband's face everyother week helped the time go a lot faster!!!!! It has been a crazy year, but I am glad I did it and even more glad it's over!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
August 29th was Noah's first day of 1st grade!!!! WOW!!!!!! All month long I was so excited for him to go to school and start learning again. But when the day actually came, I was having second thoughts. My son can't be in 1st grade... He is not old enough! lol.. But.. I made it through the day just fine. Noah LOVED LOVED LOVED school!!!!! He was so excited to be back with his friends and really loves his new teacher! His favorite things were eating lunch at school and 2 recesses. hahahah.. He makes me laugh!
Well the days are now more then they were on Saturday. Stacey is staying behind for a few more weeks! Which is not the most fun thing to hear, but I know he has a job to do and will be home as soon as he can! September is the month!!! We are so close it's scary!
Baby Emma, is growing big and now am 30 weeks along. I can't believe I am so far! This pregnancy went really really fast!!!! :) And I am getting excited to see her face! I will keep in touch more.. and I need to get my camera to work.. I really am lacking the photo designs!
Well the days are now more then they were on Saturday. Stacey is staying behind for a few more weeks! Which is not the most fun thing to hear, but I know he has a job to do and will be home as soon as he can! September is the month!!! We are so close it's scary!
Baby Emma, is growing big and now am 30 weeks along. I can't believe I am so far! This pregnancy went really really fast!!!! :) And I am getting excited to see her face! I will keep in touch more.. and I need to get my camera to work.. I really am lacking the photo designs!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
30 something days to go!
I am getting really tired of not having a camera. I need to change that soon!!! Well... I am coming close to due date and being officially done with this deployment!!!! I am not sure on the actual date of Stacey's arrival but it will be Sometime in September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooo excited!!!!! :) It feels so strange that its almost over. Its been the longest/shortest year of my life. I can't believe he will be home.. Like Home home.. He is MINE AGAIN!!!!
I am getting really nervous on seeing him though.. I mean I will be pushing close to 8 months pregnant and I am a hormonal woman. I am scared because I have been so used to doing everything by myself, it will be a treat to have someone that can help me! Plus another adult conversation will be so nice!
Noah is starting school here on August 29. I can't believe I will have a 1st grader on my hands. What am I going to do??? He is so old! We are finishing up on the school supplies and clothes in the next week or two and then he is off!!!! Cross your fingers for me, bc I will need it!
Well that is it on the homefront from the Stoddard Clan. I will let you all know more soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!! :)
I am getting really nervous on seeing him though.. I mean I will be pushing close to 8 months pregnant and I am a hormonal woman. I am scared because I have been so used to doing everything by myself, it will be a treat to have someone that can help me! Plus another adult conversation will be so nice!
Noah is starting school here on August 29. I can't believe I will have a 1st grader on my hands. What am I going to do??? He is so old! We are finishing up on the school supplies and clothes in the next week or two and then he is off!!!! Cross your fingers for me, bc I will need it!
Well that is it on the homefront from the Stoddard Clan. I will let you all know more soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!! :)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Noah's 6th Birthday and 10 MONTHS down!!!!!!
First off, my camera is being really mean and I haven't been able to take pictures... I need to change that fast!!
2nd off, My son turned 6 on the July 16th. I don't have much to say along these lines bc we had a great time celebrating!... He was so cute and so excited for his birthday! And so proud to tell everyone that he is 6 now. This boy cracks me up!!!! He is so old now!!! And he also has lost 4 teeth and looks funny with out is front two.. I will post pics soon! ;)
Next, We have made it 10 months on this deployment! This is by far a big accomplishment for me!!! I never thought I would actually make this stepping stone bc 10 months seemed like an eternity! But we are on our way to the finish line... Now I am thinking, OMW, am I ready for him to come home??? Don't laugh! I have been by myself for nearly a year and he has been with men for almost a year. How will be mesh everything back together??? It's going to be hard and fun and exciting all rolled into one.. I am so ready for him to be out of danger and back on American soil! I am so proud of him for his hard work that he has given! and I am so excited to have my family back!!!!!
And today also reached another milestone... I am 24 weeks along. YIKES!!!! Soon after Stace comes home, I will have a little friend coming home too!!!!! What a year! Can't wait to make some new memories as a family!!!!! woot woot!!!!!
2nd off, My son turned 6 on the July 16th. I don't have much to say along these lines bc we had a great time celebrating!... He was so cute and so excited for his birthday! And so proud to tell everyone that he is 6 now. This boy cracks me up!!!! He is so old now!!! And he also has lost 4 teeth and looks funny with out is front two.. I will post pics soon! ;)
Next, We have made it 10 months on this deployment! This is by far a big accomplishment for me!!! I never thought I would actually make this stepping stone bc 10 months seemed like an eternity! But we are on our way to the finish line... Now I am thinking, OMW, am I ready for him to come home??? Don't laugh! I have been by myself for nearly a year and he has been with men for almost a year. How will be mesh everything back together??? It's going to be hard and fun and exciting all rolled into one.. I am so ready for him to be out of danger and back on American soil! I am so proud of him for his hard work that he has given! and I am so excited to have my family back!!!!!
And today also reached another milestone... I am 24 weeks along. YIKES!!!! Soon after Stace comes home, I will have a little friend coming home too!!!!! What a year! Can't wait to make some new memories as a family!!!!! woot woot!!!!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th of July Weekned
Happy Birthday America!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe its already July... WHAT HAPPENED??? Well I love that its time to celebrate our Independence day!!! The weekend started off amazing as I took a little trip to Grace, Idaho for the day on Saturday. Stacey is from this cute little town and its so beautiful there.. I was nervous for my little adventure due to the fact that I have never driven by myself there.. (I can hear everyone laughing at this point) I am one of those drivers that has to drive her ownself places if I am expected to be there.. Well... I made it there alive so YAY for Ashlee...
I went for a special purpose and I am so glad I did! Stacey's younger brother, Sterling, got engaged!!! SO CUTE!!!!! and His fiance, Kelli was getting Baptized! What an amazing day to spend with family!!!!! I love the stoddards and they always make you feel welcomed!! :)
Well I made it for another major holiday! Which means I am done for the year! Stacey will be home soon and thank goodness.. I wasn't as emotional as I thought I would be today. But, I didn't do anything too out of the ordinary regular day.. But I am so grateful for our Country and the freedoms that we have! I am thankful for all the military men and women past, present, and future who fight to help our country remain free.. I love my hubby and I am grateful for his sacrifice!!!!!!! God Bless America!!!
I went for a special purpose and I am so glad I did! Stacey's younger brother, Sterling, got engaged!!! SO CUTE!!!!! and His fiance, Kelli was getting Baptized! What an amazing day to spend with family!!!!! I love the stoddards and they always make you feel welcomed!! :)
Well I made it for another major holiday! Which means I am done for the year! Stacey will be home soon and thank goodness.. I wasn't as emotional as I thought I would be today. But, I didn't do anything too out of the ordinary regular day.. But I am so grateful for our Country and the freedoms that we have! I am thankful for all the military men and women past, present, and future who fight to help our country remain free.. I love my hubby and I am grateful for his sacrifice!!!!!!! God Bless America!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Well Stacey was right, its going to be a girl!!! We are very very excited!!!I can't believe shortly after Stacey comes home, there will be a baby here too!!!! Noah, is also excited and wasn't at all disappointed (which I thought he would be). The ultrasound tech was amazing.. We went through the whole body to make sure that this little girl had all the right parts.. I am a pretty sassy person and when I first came in I told her, "My husband thinks its a girl and I am here to prove him wrong." As we were going through the body and she was checking everything out the tech turns to me and says, "I think there is a problem!" I was thinking, OH NO!!!!!!! "I don't see boy parts, I see girl parts. Your husband was right!" I had a good laugh at that one.. Then the tech showed me how much my baby moved. I really felt I like I haven't really felt her move at all yet. But that is so not true. When she got the baby to move I felt it!!!!! It wasn't what I remembered with Noah! So all this time I have felt her, but never knew! Now, this baby doesn't stop moving and i love that!!!!
Other good news is that I made it through 9 months of deployment on Tuesday.. I can't believe I made this milestone!!! HOORAY!!! I hope the next 3 months don't drag.. I am so ready for Stacey to be home!
Well I am now looking for color schemes for the new baby! I am really excited!!! But, I will say this! Why wasn't there this cute of boy stuff when I was having Noah??? I have been seeing all of this cute boy stuff everywhere.. Well now that I know what I am looking for I can choose girlie stuff.. Stacey has already addressed her as a "princess" so if she is, she must dress like one!!
Other good news is that I made it through 9 months of deployment on Tuesday.. I can't believe I made this milestone!!! HOORAY!!! I hope the next 3 months don't drag.. I am so ready for Stacey to be home!
Well I am now looking for color schemes for the new baby! I am really excited!!! But, I will say this! Why wasn't there this cute of boy stuff when I was having Noah??? I have been seeing all of this cute boy stuff everywhere.. Well now that I know what I am looking for I can choose girlie stuff.. Stacey has already addressed her as a "princess" so if she is, she must dress like one!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
9 months woah...

I have been really really really bad at this whole blog thing.. Last time I wrote was when I just got back from Mississippi. That was before the holiday maddess and somehow we are now in JUNE of 2011... well A few things have changed.. Stacey has now been gone for almost 9 whole months.. OMW!!!! when did that happen???? I feel like it has gone really fast yet horrible slow.. Does that make sense??? We are coming to the tail end of it and I couldn't be more excited!!!!!!! I am ready for him to be home and everything to get back to "normal" soon... Okay so this is a recap of the last 7 months.
Noah loved his year in Kindergarten!!He is beginning to read yet having lots of trouble, but we are trying so hard.. He loves science and doing experiments. And he of course loved recess.. He is really excited to be finished with school for the year and he loves to sleep in! Hooray for summer!!!!! although he is really excited to start 1st grade!! :) He will be 6 here in a few weeks and he is so ready to be 6!!
Stacey came home for R&R in February. We had a blast!!! We didn't do anything besides relaxing and enjoying our two weeks... It was so hard to say goodbye again.. (I really didn't think it would be ya know.. But it was hard to have him back and then rushed away) He is doing really well! Its getting really hot there in Iraq and I am surprised he hasn't complained about it. (you know I would) But he is doing a great job and I am so proud of him!!! :)
Well thanks to R&R Stacey and I are expecting a baby in Nov 2011.. OMW!!!! I am really excited!!! and Stacey believes its a girl for sure.. and I pray he isn't broken hearted. Well we will see if he is right 2 weeks... I will be 20 weeks by then. I don't care what the gender the baby is just as long as its happy and healthy!!!
I am excited for the summer! Noah and I are planning BIG THINGS! well not necessarily big things but we want to have fun.. Noah is playing tball and swim lessons.. He is so big!!! I love every moment of being with my little man and I will cherish it bc soon enough there will be another brother or sister that we will have with us!! SO EXCITED! That's it for a while everyone. I hope to report more soon!!!
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